Pepper on top, right?
This is a little spot I wrote for the Chinese market starring Tom Hiddleston. I’d been wanting to work with Tom for years and it was so great we finally got the opportunity to collaborate on something together. I think Tom enjoyed it too - you can really see in his eyes how much passion he had for this project.
That’s just Tom though, he’s a pro. And whether it’s a multi-million dollar Hollywood blockbuster, or a multivitamin advert that he’s received specific assurances ‘will never be seen outside of Qinghai Province’, he gives it everything he’s got.
Tom absolutely loved the script. He arrived on set with loads of cool ideas and suggestions (or as he called them, ‘contractual stipulations and outright vetos’) and we had a really fun session where me and director sat down with Tom, the client, and their respective legal teams to jam out ideas to get the script into an even better place.
It’s like I kept saying to Tom, “at the end of the day we’re both artists, all we care about is making cool shit”. And I could tell by the look he gave his agent when I said that that it really struck a chord with him.