The greatest goddamn advertising book you've ever goddamn seen


Live for Now*

They say that while success has a hundred fathers, failure is an orphan. So as just one member of the 25-person ideation committee behind this killer Pepsi spot featuring Kendall Jenner, I obviously can’t take sole credit for its phenomenal success. However, the following elements were all me: 

  • The awesome rooftop cello sequence

  • Copywriting the very believable slogans the demonstrators have written on their placards - “Peace”, "Start the conversation".

  • The idea of co-opting Black Lives Matter to sell fizzy drinks.

  • The BLM movement in general.

* I also wrote the endline, ‘Live for Now’, which took on a whole new layer of meaning when Pepsi subsequently pulled this ad and scrubbed all trace of its existence from the internet, meaning this film is no longer live. So now the line works on two levels!